What is a stroke?
A stroke happens when a blood vessel that carries oxygen to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts (ruptures). This interruption prevents part of the brain from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs, which causes brain cells to die.
​Without timely treatment, this can cause permanent brain damage, disability, or even death.
Stroke in Different Areas of the Brain

Left Brain:
Affects the right side – weakness/paralysis, sensory changes, speech/language difficulties, memory issues, slow/cautious behavior.
Right Brain:
Affects the left side – weakness/paralysis, sensory changes, vision and spatial issues, quick/inquisitive behavior.
Brain Stem:
Affects both sides – can cause severe effects like locked-in syndrome, where only eye movement is possible.
Risk Factors
"Up to 80% of strokes are preventable through lifestyle changes and proper management of risk factors."— American Stroke Association
Several factors increase the likelihood of having a stroke, some of which can be controlled, and others that cannot:
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Heart Disease
Family History
Preventing Stroke: Steps You Can Take
Prioritizing your health will help you feel stronger and healthier, both physically and mentally, while also reducing your risk of stroke.
Manage Blood Pressure
Manage Diabetes
Exercise Consistently
Sauna Treatment
Red Light Therapy
Get Regular Check ups
Limit Drinking
Quit Smoking